Appointment Only.
Certified Medical Nail Technician & Advanced Nail Technologist. Helena specializes in FootLogix PediCures, Ingrown Toenail Prevention, Repairs & Nail Curve Correction. Diabetic safe, medical grade sterilization and sanitation.
Additional Info
CONFESSION #1-Helena does not answer the phone when with clients. Please text or leave a voicemail so she can return your call asap.
CONFESSION #2- Call or Text if you do not see an appointment date/time that fits your schedule.
A revolutionary nail correction system, which takes ingrown toenails back to their natural shape without the need for surgery. Grow out results are painless and occurs over a few weeks. This will realign the placement of your nail to lay properly on a new PAIN FREE nail groove.
Podiatrist recommended, diabetic safe pedicure with superior results.